In this laboratory various plants and equipment are active to carry out all the experimental activities that are necessary to the group research. The plants are designed to carry out catalytic measurements for the study of treatment technologies and processes, thermo-catalytic conversion and purification of wastes and by-products as the result of productive cycles in electronic and agricultural and food industry. The laboratory is equipped with plants and instruments as follow:
Plant for the study of pyrolysis process for the thermo-chemical decomposition of solid biomass (≤10 grams) with low humidity level (<20%). The plant is equipped with cold trap for the condensation of pyrolysis oils, Agilent 6890 N gas and GC management and control system for quality and quantity analysis of gaseous reaction products.
- Fixed-bed gasification plant for solid biomass conversion (≤10 grams) into syngas. The plant is equipped with water-feed HPLC pump (H2O as gasification agent), cold trap for the tar condensation, Agilent 6890 N gas and GC management and control system for quality and quantity analysis of gaseous reaction products.
- Plant for the study of reforming (ATR, SR and POX) processes and catalyst materials aimed at producing syngas and/or hydrogen from biofuels (ethanol, biogas, glycerol). The plant can operate at a temperature of u to 900 °C and pressure 10 bar, and it is equipped with HPLC (quaternary) pump for liquid reagents dosing, and Agilent 6890 N GC system for online analysis of reagents and reaction products.
- GC-MS Agilent 7890A-5975C Analysis station with PAL system for quality and quantity analysis of complex organic sample matrices.
- TOC ShimadzuVcsh – 500A Analysis station for the determination of organic and inorganic carbon on solid and liquid samples.