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7 ricercatori dell’ITAE nella classifica dei top 2% World Scientists (2024)

La "World’s Top 2% Scientist", la classifica mondiale delle scienziate e degli scienziati con livello più elevato di produttività scientifica, selezionati tra un pool di circa 9 milioni di ricercatori a livello globale, elaborata dalla Stanford University, vede presenti diversi ricercatori e ricercatrici dell’Istituto di Tecnologie Avanzate per l’Energia “Nicola...

L’ITAE partecipa a “La Scienza nel festino”

Nell’ambito del calendario di eventi per i festeggiamenti per Santa Rosalia i ricercatori degli Istituti CNR degli istituti afferenti all’Area Territoriale di Ricerca di Palermo (tra cui l’ITAE), con l’evento “La Scienza nel festino” che si terrà in via Ugo La Malfa 153 dal 8 al 10 OTTOBRE 2024, racconteranno...

12th International Conference on Hydrogen Production

The Advanced Energy Technology Institute (ITAE) “Nicola Giordano” is one of the principal organizers of the 12th edition of the International Conference on Hydrogen Production which will be held fully online the next September 2021 (from 19th to 23rd). The event will be focused on the scientific developments on the sustainable generation of hydrogen. The ICH2P-2021...

Towards climate neutrality within 2050: Italy-Japan approaches for hydrogen deployment

Towards climate neutrality within 2050: Italy-Japan approaches for hydrogen deployment. Do not miss this interesting webinar and our director's Antonino Aricò contribution on "Advanced electrolysis technologies for green hydrogen production". Link for registration here:  

ITAE at Sustainable Places 2019

Today CNR ITAE participated in the workshop on "Solar and Thermal Energy" organised in the framework of Sustainable Places 2019 in Cagliari. During the workshop, the implementation, results, outcomes and challenges of several H2020 projects were presented. Among them, Hybuild, Hycool and SunHorizon projects were discussed, in which ITAE is...

Bilateral symposium Italy-South Korea

In the past days, the Daegu Gyeongbuk Institute of Science and Technology hosted the bilateral symposium on "advanced materials for sustainable energy technologies", co-organised by the Italian Embassy. Experts from ITAE, Politecnico di Torino, Universita' Roma La Sapienza, Universita' della Calabria and ENEA, shared their knowledge and skills on innovative...